So last night I took my Mammalian Physiology lab final. I am now two class days and two finals away from rounding out the semester. Since I am so mentally and physically exhausted from school, I figured I would do a mindless blog of a few interesting facts about yours truly:
1. I failed my drivers test the first time I took it. I drove on a curb in the parking lot...that's right, the PARKING LOT. I never even made it out onto the road. How incredibly embarassing. I think the very manly female police lady in the car with me made me nervous. Speaking of driving, I got my first ticket about this time last year for going 82 in a 70 on the interstate. I didn't see the problem since the car in front of me and the car behind me were obviously going the same speed as me...I told the state trooper that...I don't think he agreed.
2. Favorite holiday hands-down is Christmas. Like, I am so obsessed that I get on people's nerves. I start listening to my Christmas music on my iPod the day after Halloween (okay, let's be honest sometimes I listen to it all throughout the year...because it makes me happy). I drive my family NUTS wanting to do Christmas-related family activities like watching Christmas movies, going to see lights, baking, etc. My favorite Christmas movies are "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" and "Elf". Favorite Christmas song: "Have a HOLLEY :) Jolly Christmas". Favorite Christmas Beverage: Aunt Peggy's Strawberry Ice Cream Punch.
3. I love to read, but it's mainly mindless stuff. I, like everyone else, am obsessed with the Twilight series, even though I swore I would never read them. I also love anything by Sophie Kinsella. As I have previously mentioned, I am currently reading
God Never Blinks by Regina Brett, which is amazing. I also religiously read my Cosmo magazine, but the odd thing is that I always read magazines from back cover to front cover. If you notice I also always start my tests on the last page and work from back to front...I don't know...I'm weird.
4. I love to travel. My favorite trip so far was Vegas last summer. It was amazing and I would love nothing more than to go back. I also want to go to Hawaii, New York (between Thanksgiving and Christmas), Europe, a Red Sox game in Boston, among many other places. This past summer was my first time flying. I won't lie, I was a little skiddish EVERY TIME the plane made a funny noise or shook, but I think I could muster up the courage to do it again.
5. Although if you are reading this you probably know I have two little sisters, a lot of people don't really know how close I am to my family. I talk to my Mom and Bethany every day without fail. I also talk to my Dad and Baylee a couple of times a week. I go home A LOT, because I get so jealous when I call them on the weekends and they are all getting to hang out or do something fun and I'm missing out. There's never a dull moment at my house because there are always people coming in and out...whether it be Erin or Macie or Ashton "living" with us or Allen coming over to talk softball with Dad or boyfriends or family, it's absolute chaos and I wouldn't have it any other way.
6. I
love sports...and when I tell you that I don't mean it like most girls..."I'm going to pick this team to like because they have pretty colors or because their QB is hot, or I love football season so I can get drunk and go to the games" I have been watching college football with my Dad since I can remember. College Gameday is one of the few shows I will watch religiously and when I hear that theme music, I get chillbumps. I want to BE ERIN ANDREWS. I can watch a game and everytime a flag is thrown, I know what it's for because most of the time, I saw it too. Holding, block in the back, pass interference...yes, I know what all that means. I love Auburn. I always have. I'm not really a huge NFL fan, but I do like the Saints. After football, baseball is my next favorite. Of course, I'm a Braves fan, but I also love the Red Sox and Jacoby Ellsbury :)
7. I have friends EVERYWHERE. My Mom always jokes that no matter where we go, I know someone there. If we need a scouting report for a softball team we are going to play, I have to get it because I know someone from everywhere. I guess that stems from Bethany playing softball with girls from a lot of different cities, then me going to Troy, taking a few summer classes at EOCC/ESJC/ESCC/whatever it is now, spending one summer in Tuscaloosa and one summer in Huntsville, and now coming to Auburn. It also makes it easier that I do not meet a stranger. I could talk to a brick wall...I get that from my Daddy. I feel like I can find something in common with just about anyone, so why not try to get to know them?
8. I love clothes and I am the most insane bargain shopper. People will always say how cute something is I'm wearing and when I tell them how much it cost, they don't believe me. I always get the same response, "I'm going shopping with YOU!" I love cutesy sandals. I love the way heels make my legs look, but I hate wearing them because I hurt my left ankle REALLY bad in 8th grade so it hurts it to walk in them. I'm obsessed with dresses. I probably have about forty. I love Victoria's Secret, too...and Ellie...and Private Gallery...I'll stop now.
9. I am really pretty organized. I try to function off a to-do list. My room never gets that messy because I believe in a place for everything and I TRY to keep everything in its place. I find it hard to study or sleep when my room is a wreck.
10. I love food. I am currently dieting, but I will always be a fat girl at heart. I will nearly always cave under the pressure of being tempted by my Auburn favorites: Pannie Georges, Veggies to Go, and Chicken Salad Chick. I am also obsessed with hot food. I LOVE jalepeno peppers, and I get my wings "Wild" at Buffalo Wild Wings. If it doesn't give me a runny nose, it isn't hot enough. I like Mexican, Chinese, and Italian. I also like sushi (not as much as Blonde Britney), and I love love love raw oysters. I also have a sweet tooth. Let's be honest, I don't discriminate against much food.
Hope this educated or at least entertained you. Sorry if you were reading for words of wisdom, my brain is too fried right now to provide you with anything!!
On a side note, my most favorite show, "The Hills", started back tonight. I watched it with my very good friend Kaitlyn. A few thoughts on it:
1. What do these people DO for a living? Just make public appearances? Who has time to go to "lunch" with your friend every day? Who has the money to fly to Miami for the SuperBowl just because you had the urge? Who can go to the bar every night? (okay, so I know plenty of people who do that).
2. Dear Heidi, You look scary. Don't worry though, now you match your hideous husband whose facial hair looks like a combo of peach fuzz and body hair from another part of the body.
3. Kristin...just because you got in late last night does NOT mean that, obviously you should wear your sunglasses. Face it, you're on crack.
4. Audrina...Brody is not "after" you because he likes are the only one in your group of friends he hasn't had's called the thrill of the chase
5. Lo...I love you because you are blunt like me. :)
That's it for now :)